Defensive Driving School Simulator

Our state of the art simulator has something for everyone. It features hundreds of driving scenarios to help target specific driving challenges our students face. For parents who are too nervous to practice with their teen, simulator lessons can help train them without any risk. The sim car feels like a real car because it is. The seat, steering wheel, dash, gears, and pedals are from an actual vehicle. A lesson in our simulator is often more effective in solving problem areas because the instructor can choose scenarios that are relevant to their needs rather than try to recreate that on the real road. For example, if your student has trouble with right or left turns, we have multiple scenarios where they will be required to make turns in succession. In 15 minutes you can get in as many practice turns as you would in an hour-long lesson in your own car. For more information, watch the introductory video. The simulator is located at our Kirkland location.

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KIRO - Channel 7

KING - Channel 5

SIM - 1 Hour Lesson
Price: $135
SIM lessons are held at our Kirkland office. After registering, call the office to schedule.

SIM - 3 (1 Hour) Lessons
Price: $405
Promotion Price: $379 - SAVE $26
Three 1-hour SIM lessons held at our Kirkland location. After registering, call the office to schedule.

In case of inclement weather, we will send you a text/email if your drive is canceled.