The below classes are for current driver’s ed instructors or examiners.
Phase 1 (4.5 hours) – The first in three stages of progressively teaching a Certified Examiner how to effectively find the proper deductions on the score sheet, work on verbiage (including hints for easily recall), and fix common mistakes in the administering and grading of the DOL Drive Test. Training includes one in-car mock drive test. An assessment report of in-class and in-car abilities is completed and given to the Certified Examiner at the conclusion of the day.
Phase 2 (6 hours) – Once a Certified Examiner has completed Phase 1 and understands drive test requirements more clearly, we delve into the “why’s and wherefore’s” of the DOL Drive Test. The progressive nature of the Impact Training means quizzes are much harder and require learning time between Phase 1 and Phase 2. Training includes two in-car mock drive tests. An assessment report of in-class and in-car abilities is completed and given to the Certified Examiner at the conclusion of the day.
Phase 3 (8 hours) – After completing Phases 1 and 2 a Certified Examiner will be equipped with the tools to be thoroughly comfortable with the Examiner Manual and able to easily assess and record an applicant’s errors on the DOL Drive Test score sheet. That will be necessary as Phase 3 training is rigorous and not for the faint of heart. Training includes three in-car mock drive tests. An assessment report of in-class and in-car abilities is completed and given to the Certified Examiner at the conclusion of the day.
CE20 – Training for currently certified driver’s ed instructors who wish to become DOL-certified Examiners. Each day is 8 hours. The state requires that the CE successfully completes a four hour tutorial online prior to class, reading and reviewing the Examiner Manual as well. We offer it statewide to anyone interested in attending. If there is a group to be trained, we come to you on one of the available scheduled dates, or another date TBD. Includes one “30min practice a check ride”. Additional “30min practice a check ride” sessions are available for an extra charge. Six students (max) per session.
Locations Available:
Locations Available:
Locations Available:
Locations Available: